giving and receiving

Giving and Receiving: Today in the modern world we have seasons of thanksgiving which makes giving and receiving an act. If giving becomes an act, which makes it something that has a beginning and an end.

To act means that it’s a very specific point in time within a longer continuum in the spectrum of time. So I want to suggest that giving shouldn’t be an act but a state of being.

And also not to forget that it’s not what you give, but how you give it. The energy attached to what you are giving is more important than what you give. The energy attached to what you are giving means, how much of you that becomes part of the process of giving.

The Ripple Effect: Embrace the Law of Giving And Receiving

In every seed, there is a promise of a thousand forests and every human being on this planet is that one seed but few people see themselves as that seed. How much you expand and what you have in this world is entirely up to you and therefore the law of giving and receiving tells us that in every seed there is a promise of a thousand forests but if that seed withholds its intelligence, then the world will not benefit from its fruits.

So then I want you to understand that what you give is just not what you put in the gift paper and give it to someone else in the right season of the year or in that special occasion. You always have something to give to another person.

The most important, powerful gifts you can give to another person is not that which is tangible but that soft gift of presence, gift of time, gift of companionship, gift of the shoulder to lean on, an encouraging word, those are the most deepest desires that are required to be fulfilled when you interact with your world. 

giving and receiving

Never think that you are limited with what you have in terms of your ability to give because every human being is blessed with abundance.

Do you know that in every act of inhaling you are actually receiving the blessing of oxygen, which is the life-giver from the universe? You are receiving an abundance of something that nourishes and gives the body energy to exist purposefully. And when you exhale you are actually giving back to the universe, the carbon dioxide which is nutritious to plants.

You cannot give unless there is something or someone to receive and I want to make this very clear that once you give, you have no choice whether you want or not you must receive. And what you are going to receive after giving will come to you in so much abundance that will even astonish you.

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But also don’t forget that it’s not what you give but how you give it, and how much energy is attached to what you are giving. That’s what is going to determine what you are going to receive. 

In this universe, there is a very accurate mathematical system that determines what you receive based on what you give. Some people fool themselves by cheating others thinking that they can make it in life by cheating.

In this universe, there is a very accurate mathematical system that determines what you receive based on what you give

When you cheat others, what you are actually doing, you are cheating yourself because what you do to or for another, you do to or for yourself. From the law of giving and receiving, no human being will leave this planet with a debt unpaid. So better be careful about what you give because soon or later it will come back to you many times multiplied.

Every one of us began as two cells, a sperm and an egg. Your parents gave them to you and those cells came together and started to multiply in your mother’s womb. Right now you have about 50 000 000 000 000 cells that were given to you. For us to be alive, billions and billions of cells have to die every single day. And when they die, they have to be replaced by new ones. 

Every one of us began as two cells, a sperm and an egg. Your parents gave them to you and those cells came together and started to multiply in your mother’s womb. Right now you have about 50 000 000 000 000 cells that were given to you

Therefore we have to recognize that giving and receiving is not something we do as an act if you understand the process of inhalation and exhalation, the process of cells being born and dying at the same time, it’s the law of giving and receiving that is happening all the time.

So we have to see our life as a process of giving and receiving not unconsciously, we must consciously understand and engage how much of us become part of giving and only then we shall realize that the law of giving and receiving happens through us every day.

Many of us don’t focus on our breathing because we take it for granted. But when life becomes unbalanced, when it upsets you, just go back to the natural law of giving and receiving, and just focus on your breath. And if you focus on that rhythm of inhalation and exhalation, you become in tune with the natural rhythms of the universe.

How can we embrace the ripple effect of the Law of Giving And Receiving?

 This is how we apply the law of giving and receiving in our everyday life. The farmer for example, follows the habit of clearing the ground; fencing it, plough and planting the seeds at the right season of the year all which he must do in advance without compensation of any kind.

If he does the part of his work properly, he then hands the work to nature, he sits back and waits for her to do her part, and within a brief period of time, nature germinates the seed the farmer planted, nurtures it, and provide the same kind of seeds the farmer planted but multiplied more than 100 times to compensate him for having applied the law of giving and receiving.

That’s how the law of giving and receiving comes for the aid of mankind. And this principle applies the same in rendering service in a job as it does in the field of a farmer.

If the farmer did not follow the law of giving and receiving, the human race would starve to death in one season. I think now you can see that the universe cannot exist without the law of giving and receiving.

If the farmer did not follow the law of giving and receiving, the human race would starve to death in one season

Some years back when I was an agent with Life Insurance Company I applied the law of giving and receiving in a very interesting way. I made it a habit I to say something encouraging to every person I came across and felt like he or she may need it. I reached a point when I was very confident about it. I noticed that people started liking me more and they could remember and recognize me whenever we met again.

How i applied the Law of Giving and Receiving in My Life: Embracing the Ripple Effect.

There is this one memorable day I will not easily forget, I went to a company to present the life insurance products and I met this tall young man at the gate. He looked about 18 or 19years of age. His skin was smooth clear black and he had a masculine body like for he who works out.  This gentleman wore a green uniform well fit and fixed to his waist.

There was something about this man’s attitude that attracted my attention. He was quite talkative but also very optimistic in the way he viewed life. The security guard directed me to the offices and after my appointment I made it a point to have a talk with him.

I asked him what his five years plans for the future was and if he planned to work as a security guard all his life. He smiled and kept silent for some few seconds trying to find an answer which gave me an indication that he had not thought about something like this before.

I added and told him that a person with an attitude like his could not work there for another year. We talked a lot but I emphasized to him the power of intention. For him to have a clear intention of where he wanted to see himself in the near future. “With a clear intention, in the next five years time you could be making a hundred times more than what you are making now in the month.”I said to him.

From that moment I felt like he was open to my suggestions and I think the message sunk deep into his soul. I met this fellow nine months later and he still recognized me.  Our next conversation rotated much around his progress and how my advice had helped him change his status.

The gentleman narrated to me how his journey begun and how his blessings came disguised as misfortunes. One day a client came to buy stock at the company where he worked but the parking was full so she parked her car outside the gate.

After the lady purchasing her merchandise, the guard asked the lady if she needed some help and she nodded in agreement. The guard carried all the boxes to the outside parking and loaded them into the car. It so happened that the lady had just opened up a company and he actually wanted some workers and she left him with a card to call her if he was ready to work.

This boy resigned from his job as a security guard a week later and he started working with the lady as a deliver man and he was now being paid twice what he earned in the previous job. Misfortune struck with the announcement that the company was to be relocated to Ethiopia.  “I was devastated.” He said. The lady promised to connect him to other places of work.

The Boss gave him five million Ugandan shillings to start up life and gave him a few contacts to call in case he needs a job but he turned down the job offer and decided to venture in ‘chapati’ business. “I started to make chapati and Rolex different from any other.

They had a magical touch.” I asked him what he meant by that, he said it was from our first meeting that he learnt that treating people well and making them feel comfortable is the most important thing in the world. The connection I made with my clients and the way we communicated was more important than what I actually gave them.

Some clients of mine could shift to other distant places from where I work, but they could drive and leave all other places and come back to find and buy from me. This small observation taught me a lesson that I will pass on to even to my children.

I reached a point where I could not mind much about the money but how my services made people feel.” I was mesmerized by his talk. At that moment I could see and feel that this young man was ready to give his best to the community.

And I thought for the moment that what if everyone in the world did just that?! What if everyone in the world would not care so much about what he or she does but care more about how he or she does it? Because it does not matter what you do, if you are devoted and become the best person at doing it, it will give you and those you serve great satisfaction trust me.

At that time he said he had five stalls of chapattis and each stall paid him not less than twenty five thousand shillings a day and a minimum of one hundred and seventy five thousand shillings from the five stalls in a day. He was earning one hundred and fifty thousand shillings in a month from his previous job and he now earns more than that a day! What a shift!

When this young man told me all of this, felling of ecstasy filled my body. I had inspired this young man to develop a seed of hope and to see himself differently and it was the best feeling ever. I was determined to bring out this attitude in as many people as possible by doing something good to someone every day.

I last talked to him when he was investing his money into laundry business and am happy to say that I was able to contribute to him one laundry machine.

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The point here is that if you know what you really want, and if you impress that on your subconscious mind, the universe will guide and work for you. And if you are conscious and paying enough attention to your life, you will notice that there are forces working for you without you putting much effort.  That is the law of giving and receiving for me.


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