The Power of Words: There are over 1,000,000 words in the English language. The average person knows about 20,000 words and uses 2,000 different words a week. Women and men both speak about 16,000 words a day on average.
The Power of Words: Remember, the power of spoken words can leave footprints on hearts and echoes in souls.
The words you speak matter. However, what matters most is not the number of words you speak but the kind of words you choose and the purpose for which you use them. Although the tongue is a small part of the body, it is extremely powerful.
Our words can help heal the hurts in the world, but also they can be used in the negative way to hurt and destroy. We are all thirsty for kindness, love, compassion and encouraging words. And this is either a conscious or unconsciously craving.
The Power of Words: You have the power to make a change.
Empowering others with your simple, encouraging and kind words is very important not only to those whom you are talking to, but also you will be doing the same to yourself. Take time to make others feel loved and that you real care for them.
Words have the power to heal or hurt, to uplift or destroy. Choose them wisely.
Their good feelings will come back to you because feeling is contagious and infectious and what you give to others is what you get back for yourself. (From the law of attraction) Nothing is more rewarding than to help others rise high and feel good about themselves.
You are a healer and within you is the power to help yourself heal and by doing so, you doing the same to others. When you feel uplifted and happy, you will soon discover that your positive energy and attitude contributes to you shifting your behavior and as a result, you will notice that your environment has also become enriched.
It is becoming normal to be disrespectful, manipulative, oppressive and exploitative to others and yet it is quite simple for us to use our words to empower or encourage instead of using them to offend, harm and cause despair.
People respond to others who use their words to heal, to bring forth a voice of encouragement and health-giving compliments. When you see a friend, partner or child that you know, say something kind and thoughtful. In truth, you may never know what your moments of kindness can bring to another.
Words have the power to heal or hurt, to uplift or destroy. Choose them wisely.
We all respond to praise so why don’t you take the time to say something that will uplift the spirit of another? We all need encouragement, support and kindness. You have the power to heal your life and the lives of others by simply using your words to bring healing in all your relationships. One compliment can have a positive impact for a lifetime! A gentle tongue brings healing!
This simple gesture just might offer moments of compassion, inspiration and empowerment to them. It doesn’t have to be something big. It is the small, thoughtful gifts that are the most rewarding J
How do you feel about who you are? I hope you can answer “good” to the above question; however, if you can’t, I am here to tell you that you need to be bold enough to feel good about yourself. If you’re searching for that one person that will change your life, take a look in the mirror.
Being against yourself will never help you yet it will most definitely keep you stuck in negativity and pain. It is time for you to empower yourself right now! Become your own life coach and repeat positive affirmations to yourself daily! Who you are and what you have become is good enough.
Even though you are working towards being a better person and even feel as though you are struggling with your characters and habits, I want you to feel good, worthy and pleased with yourself right now. None of us are perfect!
The Power of words: We all have some things to work on..
And yet I believe you need to be at peace with yourself if you are seeking to heal yourself in the best way possible. Feel worthy and valued inspite of your shortcomings. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.
The power of words can build bridges or burn them down.
To live in a state of inner peace and tranquility, you need to feel good about yourself. You need to use positive affirmations to reprogram your mind, body and spirit. Your body and spirit are responding to the programs in your mind.
And the programs in your mind are a result of your environment and mostly how you perceive the environment where you leave. Change the perception and change the programs in your mind and affirmations can help you to do that.
What we all need to understand is that we all make mistakes. Of course, we all need to improve our character traits and our disposition yet while we are working on the process of our individual life’s journey, we need to know that we are a work in progress and being refined moment by moment and second by second.
Obviously we all have weaknesses and might be struggling; however, we must believe that during the process or the journey, we are moving in the right direction. Our behavior and attitudes might not be something that we are proud of, yet I don’t want you to focus on your weak traits; instead put your focus on what is right with you.
The power of words: Empower yourself to maintain a right mental attitude!
I am here to remind you that you need to always remember: “you are an infinite being”; and therefore, you are loved, cherished and valued! Don’t be down on yourself; as a substitute, start feeling good about you in a healthy and positive way.
Speak with intention, for the power of words can move mountains.
It’s time for you to value and appreciate yourself as you keep your head held high and tell yourself that you have a lot to offer others and yourself. In other words, I want you to become your own life coach and teach yourself how to enjoy the good traits you possess as you are working on those traits that need to be worked on.
The African proverb says that “If there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm” The enemy (negative programs in your mind) doesn’t want you to feel good about who you are and where you are in your life’s journey.
Don’t fall into that trap! He is trying to rob you of your joy and inner peace you must be strong and courageous enough to value, respect and appreciate all of you right now. The most important relationship you can have is with yourself, which is why you need to take care of yourself.
We all want to make improvements with our lives yet I want to remind you to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself if you want to experience a happy life with inner peace. Sometime you need to be your own self coach and empower yourself to look in the mirror and say;
“I like who I am and want to continue to improve myself because I am worth it!“
Every day coach yourself to live your life to the fullest. Don’t rob yourself of all your greatness! Of course we all have weaknesses and vulnerable to our failings yet we also possess great virtues. You need to empower yourself and remind yourself that you are a work in progress and continually reinforce your assets. Put yourself at the top of your to-do list every single day and the rest will fall into place. J
All the negative emotions you are holding are poisons that affect your health and the way you live your life. You may have a good reason to feel bitterness but it does not improve the quality of your life instead it does the opposite.
It alters your attitude and behaviors and causes you to live without joy and inner peace. Someone once said “Bitterness is how we punish ourselves for other people’s sins”. When you feel upset or bitter, this is the best time for you to connect to your inner potential to help you cool down and change your thoughts, install in you seeds of love and laughter.
If you have been betrayed, release the disappointment at once. By doing so, the bitterness has no time to take root. Make sure no seeds of bitterness take hold in your mind. A bitter root produces bitter fruit.
If you are like me and choose to live with inner peace, then you need to let go and let the infinite spirit fight your battles so you can guard your heart with love, joy and happiness. It is easy to let what is on the outside get on the inside of your heart.
You only have so much emotional energy at your disposal each day. The more you dwell on the negativity in your life, the harder it becomes for you to feel happy. Don’t waste your precious energy and let it lead you in the wrong direction by focusing on bitterness and resentment.
Let your words be a force of positivity, for they hold the power to inspire change.
You can choose to live with inner peace by shifting your attention. The moment you change your attention to positivity, your energy and emotions will change and shift automatically.
Feed your mind, body and spirit with the fruits of love, laughter and joy. Refuse to allow your thoughts, attitude and behavior to be sour, resentful and bitter. If there is someone or something that continually enters your thoughts and disrupts your attitude, turn your attention away from them.
Where you direct your attention has great influence in your life. Focus your attention on things like; encouragement, love and self-empowerment (positive energy). Allow positivity into your mind and let it help you change your thought patterns.
It is easy to dwell on the negative but when you believe you have powerful energy to change your thinking, you will shift gears and move into a feeling of contentment and inner peace.
We all have unfair things that happen in our lives and if you continually recall them and focus on those resentful thoughts, you will eventually become contaminated with negativity. Let it go! If something is taken away from you, release it and begin to explore and seek out things that will allow you to find a refreshing and new way of living and acting.
Don’t live bitter. Guard your heart and refuse to allow a negative situation or circumstance to contaminate your mind, body or spirit. Stay pure in all areas of your life and believe that there are better plans waiting for you to experience.
You are stronger and better than any negative feeling or thinking. I want to encourage you to choose to live your life with inner peace and do it peacefully. And if you are to do it successfully, you need to do it consciously and on purpose…it is a choice that you need to make! J
In the realm of spoken words, even the smallest act of kindness can create ripples of transformation.
We tend to drift in our lives and give into negative circumstances; in other words, we lose sight of our goal. If you are like me and desire to manifest for your life your highest potentiality then you must be consistent and tie your hopes to your Heavenly Father’s promise.
He is the one who created you and said you will fulfill your destiny. If you are in doubt because it has been a long time waiting and therefore you forget to keep your focus, then I want you to know you absolutely possess great power within to succeed.
No one said your journey would be easy and smooth. You may have a good reason to give into your limiting thoughts; I am not denying the possibilities of defeat in life. We often live in worry, doubt and fear yet I want you to make time to regroup your thoughts and re-program your mind so as to keep your hope in the Lord.
It’s time for you to stir up your hope, maintain positive thoughts and believe in all good possibilities that are deemed yours. If you keep your mind, body and spirit anchored to hope and possibilities, you will in the right timing reach your highest potential. You have a purpose and you will manifest in your life but you are the one who must keep the right perspective and stay strong.
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Our struggles and challenges are not meant to stop us but rather to strengthen us. You have a purpose and you will fulfill it if you choose to stay focused. I believe in you! What was started in your life will be accomplished! That is your promise. It is deemed for you to reach for your best life yet; however, if you continually limit your beliefs, your thoughts and let go of your anchor of hope, you will drift away from your purpose and lose your way.
Don’t let other people talk you out of what’s in your heart. You need to continually believe in all possibilities. Believe you will receive all that you have dreamt about. One of your major jobs right now is to stay hopeful! Stay anchored in hope and possibilities not doom or gloom.
The enemy doesn’t want you to be free and hopeful; He would like you to feel depressed and defeated! Don’t allow that to happen to you and your life. This is the time to empower yourself When you start to feed into a pity party, shift your thoughts and move into positive possibilities.
You can do it! I know! That negative state of mind is easy to slide into and I have been there often, however, when that happens, I dig my heels in; I become stronger and alert.
That is when I change my thoughts and beliefs and re-direct my thoughts to those that will serve me so I can and will reach my highest potential Never doubt that God has you in the palm of his hand! You don’t know the whole picture.
Stay in faith, hope and possibilities! Don’t allow the storms of life to weaken you, instead, stay grounded, confident and determined to anchor yourself to remain in the state of peace. That is how you will most definitely manifest your life as you reach your highest potential.
Stay anchored to hope and possibilities! Empower yourself to stay encouraged and remain uplifted! You can do it!
The power of words lies not just in what they say but in how they make others feel.
Stop feeding the negativity and start feeding the positive thoughts, ideas and experiences if you want to reach your highest potential of life. It’s your time to design your life! Put your energy into fulfilling your destiny; become your own relationship expert and choose to create the positive experiences you desire. Whatever you feed is going to grow.
The mind is like a garden. If you feed guilt, it will grow. If you feed doubt it will get stronger. This is your time to build yourself up and strengthen your mind, body and spirit. Stop compromise in your life. Release those relationships that feed your weaknesses and become your own relationship expert. Restore your courage and strength and begin to develop new and wholesome relationships that will nurture and reinforce you.
We all get discouraged from time to time but I am here to tell you not to allow those experiences to take you out and stop you from reaching your highest potential Stop dwelling on the past; that is the old story, your past history! Make the right changes for your life now! Make sure you surround yourself with those people and relationships that will raise you up and help you grow into your greatness.
Don’t miss your destiny! You have an assignment and responsibility to become who your Creator wanted you to be. Be bold! Be courageous and become your own relationship expert. Get rid of the wrong people and choose to surround yourself with those who uplift and encourage you to be your best. Be selective with those whom you want to associate with and who bring out the best qualities that you possess.
Speak truthfully, for the power of words can set you free
Quit reliving the hurts and problems. Your past is gone, don’t continually think about it, instead move on and look ahead towards your powerful future. You must water all the joys and moments of contentment and stop recalling all the negative experiences and happenings of the past.
There will be many times in your life when hurts, fears and doubts will try to take center stage but you must be strong and have the courage to push through those past thoughts and be disciplined enough to choose switching your mindful thoughts towards happy, pleasant and bountiful ideas, feelings and thoughts.
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Step up to a new and highly energized level of your greatness. You cannot move into your greatness and enjoy the new season of your life if you continually feed the past. So start today to shift your mental outlook and begin to put your energy in the right direction.
Ask yourself the question: How long are you going to feed your hurtful, regretful and resentful experiences? Tell yourself that you refuse to feed your past history and declare that now is your time to feed and reach your potentiality where new dreams, relationships and joy reside.
If you want to experience your greatest season of joy, you need to consciously make the right choices so you can reach your highest potential and begin to develop new and rewarding relationships. Life is not happening to you, Life is responding to you.
You dictate what life hands you. If you make up your mind to be successful, you will definitely do it. If you believe in yourself and you are determined, luck will one day be with you eventually. It is in your hand to make yourself happy and successful.
Cultivating Abundance: The Extraordinary Power of Giving
Have you ever considered that giving could be your key to unlocking abundance in your life? It’s a remarkable concept – what you give has the potential to return to you, often multiplied. It doesn’t matter whether you offer kindness, support, or resources; the universe has a way of ensuring that your generosity comes back to you in one form or another. It’s a cosmic exchange where good begets good and vice versa.
If this idea resonates with you, we invite you to share this article with your loved ones. You might be surprised by the transformative impact it can have on your life. Remember, we all possess something to give, and sometimes, the simplest act, like sharing this blog post, can create a ripple effect of positive change. Embrace the power of giving, and watch how it can enrich your life in unexpected ways.