Blackstrap molass

Blackstrap molass is a thick, dark-colored syrup. It’s what’s left after sugar is made from either sugarcane or sugar beets. The final product of sugar’s third and last boil, it is denser and more intense in flavor than other molasses types, like light or dark molasses. 

Many people use blackstrap molasses in place of refined sugars for health reasons. They’re lower on the glycemic index than conventional sweeteners, which means they won’t spike your blood sugar as much.

This makes blackstrap molasses a great alternative for people working to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Blackstrap molass: Nutritional profile

Nutritional Benefits Of Blackstrap molass
Nutritional Benefits

1. Vitamins and minerals



Vitamin B6




2. Carbohydrates and Fiber 

Blackstrap molasses mostly contains carbohydrates like sugar and some dietary fiber. The carbohydrates in blackstrap molasses act as an energy source, while dietary fiber may be good for digestion and supports gut health. 

3. Antioxidants 

Antioxidants are compounds that help protect the body from hurt caused by free radicals. This harm can lead to chronic diseases and rapid aging. Blackstrap molasses is a rich source of antioxidants, particularly polyphenols. These may protect against heart disease, arthritis, cancer, and other chronic conditions. 

Health Benefits Of Black strap Molasses.

Nutritional Benefits Of Blackstrap molass
Nutritional Benefits

1. Prevent anemia.

One tablespoon of blackstrap molasses contains 20% of the iron you need each day. While plant-based iron (non-heme) is generally lower than that of heme iron in animal items, studies suggest that the iron content in blackstrap molasses is high. If we add blackstrap molasses into our diet, along with other iron-rich foods, it may help combat anemia and lift up overall health. 

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Anemia – a condition that results in a lack of healthy red blood cells – is often caused by iron deficiency. If left untreated, this type of anemia can lead to extreme fatigue, weakness, or shortness of breath and death.

2. Better bone health.

A single tablespoon of blackstrap molasses contains 10% of the calcium you need each day. Along with other nutrients in molasses, such as magnesium and phosphorus, calcium helps keep our bones strong and healthy. Strong bones prevent falls as we get older.

 Adults with higher levels of calcium tend to have better bone density and are less likely to develop osteoporosis.

3. Improved digestive function 

Nutritional Benefits Of Blackstrap molass

Blackstrap molasses have long been used as a folk cure for constipation and other digestive issues.

The potassium content in blackstrap molasses plays a role in controlling muscle contractions in the digestive system. This results in smoother and more regular bowel movements. 

4. Boosting Hair Health 

Due to its notable iron content, one of the benefits of blackstrap molasses could be boosting hair health. It may delay early graying and hair loss.

The nutrients in blackstrap molasses, including calcium, copper, and vitamins B3 and B6, also promote scalp health. This might lead to improved hair growth and less hair falling out. 

5. Improve heart health 

Many nutrients found in blackstrap molasses, like vitamins B6 and C, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, might be able to improve our heart health. These nutrients may aid in protection against oxidative stress, and inflammation, and keep blood pressure levels ideal. All these factors may help towards a healthier heart and a potentially lower risk of heart disease. 

6. Ease Menstrual Pain.

The nutrient profile in blackstrap molasses may help with menstrual cramps. Vitamins including iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, and vitamin B6 all help improve muscle and nerve function. These may help reduce the strength and length of menstrual pain. 

For those who bleed heavily or have previously donated / lost blood, molasses will do well in replenishing the body. 

7. Iron Source for Pregnant Women 

Nutritional Benefits Of Blackstrap molass
Nutritional Benefits

Pregnant women need more iron. They need it to support the growing baby and placenta, and due to the mother’s increased blood volume. Blackstrap molasses benefits pregnant women, since it’s a solid iron source, is a nutritious and useful way for pregnant women to reach their daily iron needs. An ample iron intake also has ties to a lower risk of low birth weight and early birth. 

From food recipes to skin uses to supplements, here are some tips on how you might slip blackstrap molasses into your daily life.


1. Cooking and Baking Uses 

Here are some ways in which you can use this thick, dark-colored syrup in meals.   

1. Baking 

You can use this thick, dark-colored syrup as a healthy sweetener in baking recipes. For example, cookies, cakes, and pies. It can give a rich, deep flavor to sweet dishes.  

2. Sweetening Drinks

Swap it in for regular sugar in coffee or tea, and enjoy a healthier, more naturally sweetened coffee or tea.  

3. Using in Sauces and Marinades 

You put this thick, dark-colored syrup into your sauces and marinades. It adds flavour to your meals. Plus, it goes well with barbecue sauces, salad dressings, and even stir-fry sauces. 

4. Topical Uses 

You may use thisthick, dark-colored syrup directly on your skin and hair to manage certain problems. This type of topical application can be done in the following way.  

1. Hair Masks 

Mix blackstrap molasses with other natural items, e.g., coconut oil or honey. Make a nutritious hair mask that may lead to better hair health, softness, and shine. 

2. Skin preparations 

Rub blackstrap molasses directly onto your skin. May be used for managing acne, eczema, and scars. Its nutrients may speed up healing and renewing to lift your skin’s look and feel.

3. Making Blackstrap Molasses Drinks 

Heat a cup of water. Then mix in one to two tablespoons of thisthick, dark-colored syrup. This makes a warm, nutrient-packed drink. Have this instead of morning coffee or tea, or slip it into your pre-bedtime routine. 

For those on a weight loss journey, you may add; cinnamon and or lemon to your black strap molasses mixture and enjoy your way to your dream body.

 Possible Risks and Side Effects. 

Although blackstrap molasses offers a variety of health benefits, it is not risk-free. Some individuals may experience the following adverse effects when consuming thisthick, dark-colored syrup.  

1. Blood Sugar Regulation 

Even though blackstrap molasses has a lower glycemic index than regular sugar, it can still alter blood sugar levels. People with diabetes or issues controlling blood sugar should take molasses in moderation. They should also talk to a healthcare professional before adding it to their diet.  

2. Heavy Metal Contamination

Like any natural product, there is a risk of being adulterated with heavy metals like lead. Make sure to source your blackstrap molasses from a trusty maker to cut down the risk of contamination. Go for organic, unsulfured, and non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) brands if you can. 

Julius Asiimwe

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