Faith is one great asset from which you can tap and draw upon the supreme powers which created you and the same powers that run this entire universe.
I want you to have it in your mind because it’s not something I am bringing to you, it’s something you already posses. Although you may not have made use of it in the past. Now let me tell you what faith is and what you can do with it.
Faith in Action..
Faith is the mental attitude where you may clear your mind of all fears and doubts and direct it to attainment of whatever you desire in life. You, I and every person were blessed with a privilege of complete control over but one thing and that is the exclusive right to take possession of our own mind and direct it to attainment of whatever we desire in life.
Faith is the mental attitude we must cultivate and maintain before we can take complete possession of our minds. It is the means by which we may connect to the inner creative force that we came with at birth.
With faith; you can connect to you inner creative force to gain sound health, peace of mind, a love of your choice, freedom from fear and worry, a positive mental attitude and material riches of your own choice and quantity.
you must understand that there are two ways in which you can use faith this faith am talking about.
You can put it in the reverse gear and use it in the negative way by allowing your mind dwell upon circumstances and the things you do not want.
Such as poverty, ill health, failure, defeat, and precisely this is what the majority of people do which explains why the majority of people go through life in misery and want. Or you can take possession of your mind and direct it to think of the positivity in your life like; love, wisdom, gratitude, thankfulness joy and many more.
It’s a strange fact that most people make negative application of the great power of faith by thinking about and believing in poverty, ill health, fear, failure and defeat when it would be so easy for them just to change their thinking over to the circumstances and things they desire.
Now let me give you the description of one thing which represents the main difference between the successful person and the failures in life. Take this truth I am about to give you very serious because failure to understand it is the beginning of most failures.
Successful people in all occupations, all professions and all callings have one characteristic that distinguish them from the failures and that’s their capacity for belief.
The failures see the hole in the donut but they don’t see the donut around the hole. The successful ones see the hole also but they see the donut around the hole.
Thomas A Edison believed that he can perfect and produce an electric lamp although he failed about 10000 times before he met with success. He made his belief to uncover the secret he was searching.
Try to guess how many times does an average person must fail before he quits? An average person can quit even before beginning. And this happens because of luck of the capacity for belief. How many times can you meet with defeat before you give up your goals and quit?
Henry ford believed he could build himself a propelled vehicle which would replace the horse and buggy.
And despite of the discouragement from his relatives and neighbor and luck of finances, he transmuted his believe into an industrial empire which changed the entire world.
Mind you, ford did this with very little education and no operating capital to begin with.
Now let let me ask you a question which may well change your entire life. Are you perhaps having an idea or a plan which would be useful to other people but you have done nothing about it because you luck self confidence to give you a start?
In other words you now where Henry Ford was before he built his first modal of vehicle. Ford past through that wall of fear which may be now holding you back and put his idea into operation by making the use of the principle faith and belief.
Now the question I wish to ask you is this; why don’t you, right from where you are begin putting your ideas to work for you? Belief and faith are truly magical words because they begin all the successes.
They are the two qualities you must develop before you can attain any form of success. So, you should begin by recognizing that you were born with the privilege of complete control over your own mind.
I think I am the right person to talk about this because I was handicapped at birth by strong tragedies which keep most people locked in all the days of their lives. And that is poverty, fear, illiteracy and superstition.
I have discovered the power of faith with strong belief, which gives one the deliverance from all evils one does not want and opens the gate way to the riches which the creator intended every person to enjoy on this planet.
Faith is the only way by which you can attain what you what to achieve in life; now let me give you these instructions through which you may create a mental attitude which is favorable for the activation and expression of faith.
One, know what you want and believe that you can and you will get it.
Two, give expressions of gratitude in form of positive affirmations many times daily for having received that which you want even before you actually get a physical possession of it. Possession starts first in the mind, please remember that!
Third, keep your mind open to hunches from within and when you are inspired to action, do not wait but move on your personal initiative at once. Remember there can be no application of faith without action.
Fourth, when you are over taken by defeat as you maybe many times, remember that mans faith is tested many times before he is crown with final victory. And accept your defeat as nothing more than a challenge to keep on trying.
And five, a burning desire for the things or circumstances you want is the starting point of faith. Be definite, believe and keep acting.
Six, when doubt comes in your mind, remember that whatsoever a man believeth, that shall also get.
Remember faith is not something you get, faith is something you already have but you may be using it in reverse gear by believing in circumstances and things you do not want and thing you fear.
Remember also that faith is guidance only. It is not a power that will bring you what you want. It’s the power that compels and guides you to go after what you want and get it.
Remember too that your faith is limited only by your own capacity for belief. You can do whatever you make up your mind to do. Believe and you shall receive.